Magewell USB 3.0 HDMI Full HD Video Capture Device 1080p (Gen 2)

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Video processing pipelines with 160 Mpixels/s processing bandwidth
Video cropping
Video scaling
Video de-interlacing
Blend top & bottom field
Top field only
Bottom field only
Video aspect ratio conversion
Auto or manual selection of input aspect ratio
Auto or manual selection of capture aspect ratio
Three aspect ratio conversion modes: Ignore (Anamorphic), Cropping or Padding (Letterbox or Pillarbox)
Video color format conversion
Auto or manual selection of input color format & quantization range
Auto or manual selection of capture color format, quantization range & saturation range
Support for RGB, YCbCr 601, YCbCr 709 color formats
Support for Limited or Full quantization range
Support for Limited, Full & ‘Extended gamut’ saturation range
Video frame rate conversion
Vertical flip and mirror


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